Summer 2019 Flashback: Oh, the Places You’ll Go With Writers’ Workshop

Note from Karen Hartman: Melissa Tobin, a 3rd grade teacher at University Hill Elementary School in the Boulder Valley School District shared her Connections Project to the Boulder CWP at our celebration. We laughed until we cried!

Congratulations! Today is your day. 

You’re off to Great Places! 

You’re off and away!


You have brains in your head, you have feet in your shoes.

You can teach Writers’ Workshop

Any way that YOU choose.

You’re on your own. And you know what you know.

And YOU are the teacher who’ll decide where to go. Continue reading

Aliens by Holly Hughes

I live with Aliens.
They’ve been with us for millennium,
but they are not like you and me.
With me they walk around on their
seven toed feet.
You know,
Hemingway loved them.
These aliens come from that Hemingway line.
Perhaps there’s something of Ernest in them.
They are dramatic after all.
Crying out at odd times.
Not too clear about what they’re trying to communicate.
Saying it regardless.
Staggering there and then here
on those
seven toed feet.
Willing to do anything to remain, the
Center of Attention.
Hacking sounds.
Piles left in hidden places
to be found
when others are present,
or stepped on in the middle of the night.
Perhaps Hemingway was an Alien.
I can see him flicking his tail,
Certainty in his Being.
I provide for my aliens and they ignore me.
I put treats in their food to help their
and they stare me down.
I’m not necessarily afraid of them, mind you,
even though I wake to see them sitting above me,
but it’s not like they’re my friends either.
They’re nothing like you and me.
They’re aliens.
That’s really all there is to say about it.


Holly Hughes teaches at Community Montessori in Boulder and completed CWP 1 in June of 2015.